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Individual Counseling
A student meets weekly or bi-weekly with a counselor to discuss his/her emotional, interpersonal, or academic concerns.
Group Counseling
Group counseling provides an opportunity of sharing concerns with other group members and working together to obtain a better understanding of his/herself or his/her problems.
Psychological Assessment
Counselors apply cognitive and/or personality tests into assessment, and evaluate one’s current cognitive, behavior and emotional function.
Psychiatric Consultation
Psychiatric consultation is conducted by a psychiatrist, and he/she is able to help students and their counselors to evaluate the need for psychotropic medication.
Workshop and seminar
PCC holds various workshops, activities, and seminars related to relaxation, interpersonal skills, cultural understanding, etc.  Every staff and student at the National Dong Hwa Univ. is eligible for participation.


Cancellations and No-Shows
It is very important to attend every counseling session, and PCC encourages you to do so unless any unexpected emergency.  Please call PCC at (03) 863-2270 (or number of your individual counselor) to cancel the appointment in advance if you must be absent for a session due to any reasons.  However, if you miss two consecutive sessions without calling in advance, PCC will not be able to keep your appointment for you.  
Confidentiality is an ethical and legal principle that limits capabilities of counseling profession while revealing information. Most importantly, confidentiality provides you a place to discuss all of the problems experiencing in a candid and free manner.
Limits of Confidentiality
There are certain exceptions for confidentiality in therapeutic relation by law: 
  • If your counselor is aware of that you have experiences of being abused, and your counselor must report to the Child Protective Services agency (if you are under 18 years old).
  • If your counselor is aware of that you intend to violate any articles of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, Gender Equity Education Act, Children and Youth Welfare Act and etc.
  • It your counselor is aware of that you have had experiences of being violated by others based on Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, Gender Equity Education Act, Children and Youth Welfare Act and etc. 
  • If your counselor is aware of that you have experiences of harming yourself, or intend to cause imminent, life-threatening harm to yourself, the counselor is legally responsible to take whatever necessary actions to protect your safety.  
  • If your counselor is aware of that you intend to do imminent harm to a specific person(s), your counselor is responsible to inform the authorities (such as the police, university staff, parents) and targeted person(s), and take additional actions if necessary.  
  • If the court orders your counselor to release your information, and he/she is bound by law to comply with such an order.
Release of Information
With the exceptions noted above, it is forbidden that PCC release any information of yours any persons/institutions without your written permission.
You will be asked to sign a consent form to authorize your decision of releasing information.